(for "in the news" and galleries scroll down)
Our Firm
Audrey Stephanie Loftin founded Long Beach Law, Inc. December 23, 2004. Prior to that time, we were AS Loftin & Associates. You might remember us from our building on Broadway. Now located in downtown Long Beach, Stephanie’s vision was to create a law firm that provides quality services to serve her community’s family law, criminal, limited civil and estate planning needs.
Our iconic building on 8th and Pacific Avenue was first a Texaco Gas Station, built in 1938. The mission design is a nod to California’s history of Spanish Missions up and down the coast. In 1980, the building was repurposed to “The Filling Station” a favorite local restaurant. After that the famous Caribbean restaurant “Cha Cha Cha” for years before its final repurpose into our historic Law Office.
We practice in all courthouses in the five counties of Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego but have also had cases in Martinez, Ventura County, Indio and El Centro. I recently traveled to Bakersfield for a successful Contempt defense.
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(562) 621 6300
In The News
December 2017: Attorney Reba Birmingham awarded "Best of Long Beach"
October 21st, 2016: "The Donald Snow Community Advocate Award" - Founder of Long Beach Law, Stephanie Loftin and Bruce Nickerson (of Law Office of Bruce Nickerson) recognized for her LGBTQ achievements. View some of the photos in the slide show.
October 21st, 2016: LambdaDems Human Rights Banquet in Long Beach. Audrey "Stephanie" Loftin & Bruce Nickerson recognized with "The Donald Snow Community Advocate Award" .
Other award recipients were: Hon. Anthony Rendon, Speaker of the Assembly
(Michael Lonergan Champion of Change Award) - Hon. Lena Gonzalez, Long Beach City Council (Franklin Cook Visionary Award) - Hon. Jordan Brandman, Anaheim City Council (Jean Harris Person of the Year) - Hon. Doug Otto, Long Beach City College Trustee (Jenny Oropeza Ally of the Year) - Long Beach Firefighters Local 372
(Rob Kramme Political Action Award).
May 13th, 2016: Founder of Long Beach Law, Stephanie Loftin celebrated for her LGBTQ achievements. Induction ceremony at the Harvey Milk Promenade Park in Long Beach. View some of the photos in the slide show.
April 29th, 2016: Judge slams gay sex stings by Long Beach police, calling them discriminatory. Click to read LA Times article.
October 1st, 2015: Senator Ricardo Lara's "Excellence in Business Award 2015" recognized the team of Long Beach Law.
June 26th, 2015: Married couple and attorneys Stephanie Loftin and Reba Birmingham explain Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality during Long Beach rally.
More articles about "Long Beach Law" attorneys
July 3rd, 2015: LGBT community, its supporters, celebrate SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage (Signal Tribune article)
June 26th, 2015: Long Beach Crowd Celebrates U.S. Supreme Court Ruling (5-4) Legalizing As Fundamental Constitutional Right Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide (LB Report article)
October 6th, 2014: Inland Empire residents react to Supreme Court’s rejection of same-sex marriage appeals (SB Sun article)
November 19th, 2013: Long Beach Businesswomen Discuss Benefits Of Lending To Women-Owned Businesses (LB Business Journal article)
November 1st, 2012: Bravehearts In Long Beach (Lesbian News article)
March 17th, 2011: Undercover Decoys Targeting Calif. Gay Men? (Edge Media article)
May 2008: Ellis v. Arriaga (Lamda Legal case information)
April 30th, 2008: Lambda Legal - Court Hears Oral Arguments in Case of Gay Orange County Man Whose Domestic Partner Misled Him By Never Registering Partnership with the State: Ellis v. Arriaga (Lamda Legal news)
January 31st, 2008: LAMBDA honors Long Beach women at banquet (PAGE 10) (Signal Tribune article)
March 19th, 1999: Is That a Badge in Your Pocket? Or are you just happy to see me? (OC Weekly article)